
Wolves: affective like dogs


Researchers in Sweden have examined dogs’ infinite love for their owners and found that this behavior is also part of wolves . The test involved the behaviors of 10 wolves and 12 dogs. Wolves have shown a different attitude between strangers and familiar ones , such as dogs. Together with familiar people, their stress was reduced.

The researchers wanted to show whether wolves and dogs could discriminate against people, differentiating between familiar and unknown person. In short, if they showed more affection , spending more time with the familiar person than the stranger.


It is a hypothesis that we wanted to test thoroughly. Other studies have already provided important contributions and I believe that the idea can now be affirmed that this behavior in wolves could probably be the factor that led to breeding to tame dogs thousands of years ago. What we have seen is that the wolves and the dogs did the same thing. They both preferred the familiar person to the unknown. But what was perhaps even more interesting is that while the dogs weren’t particularly affected by the stressful situation of the test, the wolves were and walked around the rehearsal room all the time. But when they came into contact with a known person, this attitude stopped. I don’t think this behavior has ever been demonstrated in wolves before.

Christina Hansen Wheat, an ethologist at the University of Stockholm

  • Wolves become attached to humans like dogs (


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