
Resilience: the importance of developing it to feel good


Resilience is a form of inner strength that helps us overcome difficult times and emerge strengthened. It is a skill that we all have, even if some are more predisposed than others. This quality consists in the ability to adapt to life’s challenges, face them with courage and resistance, rebuild one’s life after traumatic experiences or periods of pain and regain self-confidence. Resilience grows when we have the support of family, friends and close people, but also when we learn to take care of ourselves emotionally. 


What is resilience in psychology?

Resilience in psychology is a quality that allows us to overcome life ‘s difficulties, and to maintain emotional balance even in the presence of negative events. The resilient person is the one who has learned to face the obstacles he encounters in life with strength, courage and perseverance. It is an important quality because it can help us survive not only adverse situations but also mistakes made or external factors such as natural misfortunes. A resilient person knows how to manage their emotional reaction in order to stay focused on the final goal and move towards a positive outcome only.

Resilient people possess some psychological characteristics that make them more capable of coping with difficult situations, here are the following:

  • have a positive mindset and show optimism in difficult times; 
  • are self-aware about their feelings and use self-help to better manage stressful situations; 
  • show flexibility to adjust their strategies when circumstances change; 
  • have a strong sense of autonomy and responsibility towards themselves;
  • they also know how to ask for help and support when they need it. 

How to manage emotion

Each of us has our own emotionality to manage, but to achieve a good state of resilience it’s important to know how to do it. Managing your emotions means learning to know and understand your emotional responses to the suffering, pain and tragedies of life. It’s about being aware of our emotions so that we can control them and exercise a certain degree of critical sense on them. 


A good way to do this is simply to take time to reflect on the emotions we are feeling – we don’t necessarily need advice or direct interaction with someone to get through difficult times . Over time, learning to manage our emotions can make us stronger, more resilient, and better able to respond to life’s challenges.


Being resilient is an essential quality for coping with life’s difficulties. When we are faced with moments of stress, uncertainty and confusion, we need a ” survival kit ” that offers us useful tools to overcome these situations successfully. To begin your journey to resilience , you must first identify the strategies that are right for you that can help you better manage challenging times. 

Understanding the difficulties and protective factors is the foundation of your survival kit. The so-called ” protective factors ” are those circumstances or resources which, together with your innate abilities, will be able to give you the energy to face hostile situations. While the difficulties are those external threats that can put even the strongest among us to the test. In this way, by learning more about your environment and its risks, you will be able to build a survival kit that will allow you to face any adversity with greater resistance and resilience .


Build your own resilience kit

As we navigate the sea of ​​life, resilience is the equipment needed to weather the storms that often come our way. This is why it is important to build a ” resilience kit ” to shelter ourselves from the most difficult moments. Our survival kit should include some resources like:

  1. Time Management Skills : Good organization is key to staying in control when the pressure mounts. Learning to plan and organize our activities can help us avoid unnecessary stressful situations.
  2. Self -control: The ability to self-control helps us deal with the most difficult situations without panicking or giving in to improvisation. Maximum emotional stability thus becomes an essential component of our personal resilience kit .
  3. Positive thinking : Positive thinking is an indispensable component of personal well-being: recognize the opportunities that arise in facing problems and always keep in mind that all difficulties can teach us something that will make us stronger and more resilient! 
  4. External support : asking for support from the people around us often becomes essential to better face the most complicated moments: both family and friends, with an external point of view, can provide useful ideas on how to proceed better and avoid feeling alone during the journey to personal resilience!


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